Monday, November 1, 2010

last weeks notable quotables...

"That was the longest tornado drill EVER!!!"  Austin.  Poor kid didn't realize that it was indeed the real deal :)

"Mom, do hot dogs grow on trees, or plants in the ground?  Dylan.  Just a sample of one of the many questions asked by the boy who also hot glued all of his toys together last week.

On our walk down to the bus stop...  Me: "Sydney, you forgot to brush your hair again"
Sydney:  (in her most annoyed monotone) "I know, call me Rapunzel."

Me: "Stella, did you go poop?"  Stella: "No, baby poop"  Me: "Stella, did you go poop?"  Stella: "No, Phoebe go poop".  Me: Stella, did you go poop?  Stella : "okay"  every.single.time.

a few pics from Halloween...

the girls rule the roost around here, but somehow all wound up dressed as little old men LOL.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Too cute but I think that you are missing one of your dwarfs?!?! Maybe its time for another, so next year would be a complete set!!!!