Tuesday, August 24, 2010

9 months

Elle is 9 months old!

Her big accomplishment this past month? Learning to pick up small pieces of food and feed herself! A very handy skill, as she can occupy herself for a bit now.

She is drawing closer to crawling. She has also started rolling from her back to her stomach quite a bit.....which is huge, because up until this point she has detested being on her stomach, and would automatically cry and flip over if you put her there.

She continues to be "my" girl. She does fine with other people when I leave the room, but if I'm around and not holding her, she's all waterworks. She loves to walk around facing out, and will kick her little legs in excitement and squeal.

She is in a good sleeping rhythm right now. She usually goes back to bed after her morning bottle, and takes 2 naps during the day.

We can finally see one little white sliver of a tooth just waiting to poke through on her bottom gums. She has also been doing a lot of babbling. "dada" is her chatter of choice.

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