Elle turned 4 months this past week!
She is truly beginning to let her personality shine! When she is happy, she is truly delightful. She will coo and smile and talk to you non-stop, and you just want to hold her and chat, and kiss those chubby cheeks! When she is mad, she is MAD! Her whole body stiffens right up and she screams, and screams and SCREAMS!
She still continues her physical therapy and is showing improvement. There is hope that her torticolus will not still be evident in her first grade pictures!
She is starting to get chubby! She has packed on the weight this past month. Not sure if its just because she’s been healthy for a long stretch now, the extra bottles of formula, or that she is just growing and getting older, and I need to accept she is no longer a newborn :)
She already loves to watch tv with Dyl!
Some thoughts @ 4 mos....
*15 lbs.
*26 3/4" long
*She is still not sleeping through the night. Most nights we put her down @ 11ish and she is back up again by 2:00am. I feed her, because she doesn't want to take her pacifier, and she goes back to sleep. Tim and I have realized that she just needs to cry it out for a bit. This is not so easy when she is in our room. So, we tried this...
*She is still not sleeping through the night. Most nights we put her down @ 11ish and she is back up again by 2:00am. I feed her, because she doesn't want to take her pacifier, and she goes back to sleep. Tim and I have realized that she just needs to cry it out for a bit. This is not so easy when she is in our room. So, we tried this...
...and that lasted for one night and one nap, before I realized I don't have the energy for her to be in a bed yet. The smile in this photo was captured before she realized that this bed was not a new toy, but actually the place where she would indeed need to sleep. Tim has now set the crib up in Sydneys room, and they share. So far it's going okay....I won't commit to great yet :) Elle has her own room now, and wouldn't you know it, she's made it through 1 night now just having her pacifier put back in! Amazing!
*She loves to lay under her mobile in the cradle. She gets all excited and talks to the butterflys. She also loves to lay on the ground and watch the tv as the kids play the Wii.
*She is still on the soy, and usually takes 4-6 oz. bottles. She still spits up a ton, but is growing nicely :)
*She is still on the soy, and usually takes 4-6 oz. bottles. She still spits up a ton, but is growing nicely :)
*She has started sitting in her bumbo. It doesn't last long, because she stiffens up and trys to get out of it.
*LOVES to be held facing out. She must see everything that is going on, and I think it feels good on her stomach.
*This past month she sadly lost all of that "newbornishness" about her. Makes me sad, but the kids love it! I am always hearing one of them shout something like "MOM!!! Elles just touched her toy!" or "MOM!!!! Elles just said Dylan!" Yes, some of her accomplishements are a stretch :)