Wednesday, June 15, 2016

All the feelings...

The parenting moments to treasure are flying at me faster than I can process lately. 

So many big feels, it's overwhelming how much gratitude I have. 
In the last month, I have beamed with pride, and found myself reaching for Kleenex more times than I can count. 

We are experiencing a combination of firsts, and also many lasts... and alot of good little moments in between. 

Ellery graduated from kindergarten, just days before Austin read his faith reflection at his 8th grade graduation.... just a few weeks after Sydney made profession of faith.

Those are just a few of the big things, but there have been so many great little moments in between. Gah! I am so proud of all my kids.

I am sure these are the days that we will look back upon fondly...let out a little sigh and say, "they sure were busy...but those were the days."

Tim and I turned 40 last month, and he surprised me with a wonderful party,  with all of my favorite people.  As I reflected afterwards on how blessed I am in both my marriage and friendships, I'm surprised my heart didn't burst.
It seems all of these moments, milestones...big and small, as of lately, are etched in my brain...and are memories I know I will revisit over and over, forever.
While I'm cherishing every minute of it, time unfortunately doesn't slow down. 
I think that's what makes the moments all the more precious.  For such a time as this.

This school year has been quite a ride.

This is the year that all our kids were in the same school.

It was tidy, it was nice, it was was busy.

I can still distinctly remember having a conversation with Austin when he was 8 years old, after Ellery was born.  He told me that when Ellery started school he would be an 8th grader. It seemed like crazy talk back then.

Be still. I blinked, and we are here.

I was a ball of emotion, and had to fight back tears during Ellery's kindergarten program in sheer appreciation. It's sweeter every time. I am certain, it will be the same when I sit through my last 8th grade graduation. 

There have been a lot of "proud mama" moments lately....
Sitting in the 8th grade awards ceremony, watching countless band and choir concerts, sports games, listening to Sydney sing during chapel, getting pulled aside to let me know I should be proud of Dylan for the way he looks out for his classmates, watching the little girls play on the playground during the ribbon cutting ceremony, Sydney working her tail off all year to get A's... just to name a few.

If there is one label to slap on our kids, it would be "well-rounded".  We always encourage them to try new things, to push themselves, seize opportunities, give their best...and boy howdy, they did.

Having active kids in both 7th and 8th grade... boy and girl...meant my van started picking up after sports practice last August, and aside from school breaks, never swayed from that course til last week. Throw in all the other kids, activities, everything else, bc they are all unique little individuals, and we were never bored.

Ok, enough of my rambling, random thoughts... join me on a pictoral journey of some key moments in our spring...

Ellery at her preschool graduation. 
She sang her heart out, and presented the best Olive Octopus she could.

8th grade graduation. So proud of this kid for his effort academically, for the way he looks out for his friends, and for all of the new things he tried, even when they took him well out of his comfort zone. 

Sydney made profession of faith. It was a beautiful night!

...and then she had the wonderful opportunity to sing with Souled Out at Festival! 

Stella at the one room school house!

Austin won a medal in Science Olympiad,  for food science, and also took first place with our school in the Math triathlon.

The kids were both pirates in the school play, Peter Pan. They did fantastic!

Sydney played soccer for school.

Ellery played soccer.  I forgot how fun little soccer is to watch, especially when it's your 5th child who has been dragged to many games along the way, and has learned a few tricks of her own from all the watching ;)

Tim and I both turned 40.

We got a little dog named Charlie after Spring Break. He fits in pretty well...

Dylan, the cutest li'l knight in the 5th/6th grade program.

Austin enjoyed running track. His favorite races were the relays with his buddies.

Enjoying the outdoors.

And now, summer break....

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