Saturday, February 20, 2010

this little tootsie is two

Stella turned 2 this week. Tim loves this age. She is absolutely hysterical! I would be quick to add naughty and curious, but yes, really funny too.

Stellas favorites at 2 include: playing with her babies..... and using an using an entire box of wipes to change their diapers, playing play-do, playing in her kitchen, coloring with markers....won't touch a crayon, helping me with housework, throwing my makeup in the toilet, dumping the sugar out, well actually dumping anything out and then running away quickly, climbing up on the desk to bang on the computer keys, and checking to see if Ellery is awake :)
She is my little helper, and follows me around wherever I go. If she keeps up her enthusiasm and level of enery she will be a rock star mom/wife someday! I do love it, but sometimes it is a little stifling when i'm going to the bathroom and she's trying to wipe me :)

If I am doing housework, she WILL help. If I am in the kitchen, she is sitting on the counter helping me. If I am putting away laundry, she is following me with a sock trail. If I am feeding Ellery, she is hitting me on the head with a book to read to her. She's a persistant little one. She can usually be found carrying the bathroom stool around with her, just in case she needs to get somewhere high in a pinch.
At 2 she still LOVES her brown bunny, and must have it to sleep. She takes 1 nap, usually around 10:30am before Dylan goes to pre-school. She still absolutely loves Ellery, but the obsession has worn off. She likes to play with her own dolls now. She loves her daddy, especially riding in his truck. If she's going to fight with someone, Dylan is her sibling of choice.
She understands most everything you say now. At 2, she WILL NOT say amen or please and thank you....tho we've seen the words form on her lips, she is quick to stifle them for the sake of non-compliance. She is one stubborn cookie and has spent many hours in a battle of the wills with her father. One night she and Tim spent 2 1/2 hours on the floor battling it out over a bookmark she threw off the table and wouldn't pick up. After 2 1/2 hours of conversation and crying, she FINALLY picked it up. Her eyes now get shifty if you mention the word bookmark :) She is our little comic relief, and most dinners are spent laughing at/with her.

Some endearing Stella sayings... aka words that we hear ALL. THE. TIME....

baby bleh (says this when she brings out a new diaper for Ellery)

poppy (pipe)


buuun-eeeeee (bunny)

yo-yo (play-do)

BILL....BABY BILL! (spill, baby spill. aka Ellery spit up...and she really does not like it)

MamAAAAAAA (I have to laugh, she has started calling Sydneys barbies her mamas too. ha ha)
num num (when she would like candy or anything good)

ba ba ( sippy cup)

no woofie no!

mine, eat, and no

watching tv from her little perch

we love you stella! happy birthday.


Becky said...

Happy Birthday Stella! Can't believe you are 2 already. It sounds like you really keep your parents on their toes! Hope you had a great birthday and may God bless you with many more. Love- The Verduin's

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Stella!!!