Monday, September 28, 2009

it's true what they say...

what goes around.....

comes around :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

required reading

the joys of having to read to your little sister....

Friday, September 18, 2009

little g

Isn't this picture absolutely perfect! This child may never see a very thorough baby book, but the amount of sweet ultra sound pictures alone should more than make up for that!

A quick update...I had another ultra sound earlier this week. It showed my hemotoma is completely fact the tech said she saw absolutely no trace of it! Perhaps 20 miles on the bike was just what the dr. ordered after all :)

Miss G. is measuring in at 30.5 weeks, and everything looked absolutely perfect. I was a bit concerned b/c the water around the baby was low on my last ultrasound, but all that drinking paid off as well! I will still need to go in for stress tests in a few weeks just to make sure everything stays on track, since she had such a rocky start.

That is all. I leave you with Laura Branigan and her music. Boy or girl.....this song will forever make me smile :)
okay, so i don't know how to actually upload the video, so you will have to click the link.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

school daze....

The kids are officially back to school! Austin in 2nd, Sydney 1st, and Dylan started preschool this year.

We are still working on the routine and figuring it out.

"Arthur" used to be the standard by which we gauged our time. Once they were all ready they could watch TV until Arthur was done and then it was time to put on shoes and get in the van. It worked well.

This year we have invested in the bus....a very beautiful thing! However, the bus comes a tad earlier than we used to leave, so Arthur can no longer be the benchmark or they would miss the bus. The kids have only had to sprint one morning so far to catch it, so we are doing well.

I love the start of a new school year. All busyness and sadness that they are a whole year older aside, the weather is beautiful and there is a sense of excitement in it all.

I love leisurly strolling down the driveway in the morning... watching the sun come up, seeing who wins the scooter race to the bottom, drinking my coffee, wearing my flip flops. I love waving to Syd after she sits down in her seat and excitedly peers out the window to us, and then seeing Stellas glee when she spots her. Watching Austin disappear in the back amidst a throng of blonde headed boys, too cool to look up. I love it all. Talk to me again when the snow flys....I'm quite positive my attitude will change :)

So far it's going well. Austin feels 2nd grade is easy peasy rice and cheesy. Much easier than first grade he says. Sydney on the other hand does not like math, reading, writing or anything of the likes. She will however inform us of every kid that got in trouble, and every antic that happens on the playground during the course of the day. A good way to keep tabs on her brother :)

Dylan LOVES preschool. He feels so important now that his backpack finally has purpose! On his first day he had to bring in his snake that he caught to show his teacher. Lucky for them, in a month these treasures won't be so easy to come by :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ludington is hands down our favorite place to camp. So it was wonderful to spend the long weekend there catching up with each other, friends, and just enjoying the beautiful weather that the end of summer always seems to bring.
We kept ourselves busy swimming, hiking, fishing, eating, playing ball, catching minnows and snails, getting ice cream, climbing the lighthouse, sleeping in, and biking for miles upon miles .

The simple joys in life. Dylan mastered his two wheeler, and managed to bike a 3 mile trail, wiping out only 1 time! Austin was able to swim across the frigid river all by himself, and also kept accurate record of our daily outings... figuring that we biked at least 20 miles! The joyous discovery that Stellas pacifier glows in the dark, and listening to her squeal with delight each time Tim put her in the truck. Sydney's articulate sand castles complete with moat and folliage. Watching Tim patiently fix a fishing pole yet again. It was all beautiful.....good times, good memories.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009