Monday, January 19, 2015


Sitting at the counter, side by side doing homework this fall, Dylan casually turned to me, his big brown eyes wide with innocence and determination.

"I've been thinking"…he said very matter of factly… "I'm going to have to go to college after all.  It's really the only way I'm going to get drafted."

We talk a lot of football around here these days. Backyard, high school, college, fantasy, nfl….all of it mixed together.  The topic manages to weave itself into every conversation one way or another.

And I may have convinced Dylan over a casual Sunday dinner that I dated Tom Brady for a brief stint back in my college days, when the kids came to the realization that he is as old as we are.

And the best part is he believed me.

Well, of course he believed me. 

These kids have their entire lives ahead of them, and anything and everything is within their grasp. Aiming for the top, they have yet to be tainted by disappointment or regret.  Their dreams protected by their naive and always optimistic outlook.

They can do anything.

Egad! To be a kid again.

I adore their outlook, because I too was the exact same way.
I had big and bold plans of my own, without a worry in the world.

If I had my way, I would be projecting from your tv set, dispensing the news famous and fabulous, naturally.
And I'm sure my plans gave God a good chuckle, because He knew He created me far too sensitive and delicate for that path.

Somewhere along the way, life happens, and we grow, we change, we learn a bit about ourselves, we are blessed in ways we couldn't scheme up on our own, we are disappointed, we are stretched, we have regrets, we are complacent. We become seasoned, and it shapes who we are.

And sometimes I think I don't dream big anymore, because, well,  ….I'm 38.
I am no longer young, shiny, fresh and new.  My ship has sailed.

But, in my heart, I know it hasn't.
I still question, wonder, what God has in store for me in the future. Although,  I'm not sure I allow myself to think big.  I am very quick to dismiss.

Kids gift the best life lessons, don't they?

God created me to be me…colorful, sensitive, creative, social, tenderhearted, avid flower doodling, me….all of it.  And I don't think it was a mistake.

But, I don't want to live life complacent, just ticking on by.  I want to be a blessing, to use the gifts that God has given uniquely to me,  to seize opportunities, and to stretch myself, even tho at times I don't feel like I measure up.

To be open to what God truly wants for li'l ole me.  I don't want to live with regrets.

That's my "goal" for 2015.
Live full.
Yolo, baby.

Enough random thoughts.  Some pics from the second half of our year…

Be.still.  Ellery started pre-school.  It took about 3 weeks for her to warm up, and now she LOVES it...

We spent alot of time outside...

Enjoyed a fun afternoon with friends...

Frittered time between sports games…

Field tripped it...

Gems carhop...

Ellery started dance class…

Squeezed in a trip to see the kids flower display at Art Prize... 

One of my favorite school pics to date.  Feel the joy...

We watched a lot of high school football…

And 7th grade football…

And 4th grade football...

Learned some life lessons….

For the record books, Sydney played soccer in the fall as well.
Tho I have no fall pics, she had a fantastic season, excelled at goalie and forward, and can boot the ball farther than some boys I know :)

The boys did their fair share of hunting….

Made it to Klackles to pick apples….

Lost some teeth…

Halloween.  Olaf, Belle, Drew Brees, Snow White and Tom Brady.  Fondly remembered as "that year we couldn't feel our fingers"….

We went to a Michigan game with Kevin, and they won!  Overheard..."that was awesome"...

My favorite pic of the day…

We finished the basement!!!

Annual girls trip to Chicago.  Crossed "standing on the ledge at Willis Tower" off the bucket list...

Stella started gymnastics….

Austin is officially a teenager! And celebrated his first ever snow day birthday…. 

1st grade Thanksgiving program….

Ellery turned 5!

Birthday buddies...

My mom came for a visit to shop and what- not...

Bumped into Santa at the gas station….

Austin played 7th grade basketball….

And ended the season with a hard earned victory!

Last pre-school Christmas party (sniff, sniff)...

Christmas in Chicago….

Syd putting her new face painting kit to work...

Backyard football with cousins….

Finally got around to making cookies...

Christmas at our house...

The boys sent hours making Tim a duck mojo out of an old remote control car they took apart…

Christmas with Tim's family...

Enjoyed an ice cream social and swimming with Opa and Oma over break...