Friday, August 1, 2008

my "someday soon" is here "someday soon" has officially arrived. i fished the first lego out of stellas mouth today. the bright colorful pile was too enticing, and i watched her work her way over to it rolling and using her feet to kick off and lunge forward. we can only hope she finds sydneys beads next :)


Unknown said...

Nat, Stella's growing up too fast. I can't believe she's already moving around.

I had to put the legos away for a while when Connor was that age. The older boys didn't like that at all, but that was better than Connor choking.

MiniMe Mom said...

I love the new header, first of all. Bryce will be right behind her. He is already rolling over to pull Kayden's hair, so I am sure tiny toys will be next.

Michelle said...

Already?!?!? That means we'll be there soon! UGH!!

Michelle said...

a good excuse to hide the Legos for awhile? I am always stepping on those things around here!
BTW, enjoy your weekend!!
Happy 10th!