In anticipation of the rigid schedule that stretched out before us, I stayed up late... well into the wee hours of the morning, every single night last week. I slept in as long as these little people would allow, and savored every last minute of non-scheduled freedom, without a stitch of guilt.
"Goodbye SeeSee and Bobos"
We now have a 3rd, 2nd, and kindergartener on our hands.
Some thoughts on the first day:
Austin LOVED it. He has been looking forward to going back for some time now. The kid craves structure and loves to learn ...not to mention his social calendar is finally satisfying again thanks to recess with friends. He's pretty proud he's big enough for a locker this year, and that his teacher remembers teaching his Uncle Casey.
To quote Sydney before we left for school....
"It's not fair. Summer just started. I don't want to go. I just want to stay home with you, and we can sew all day."
Her first quote upon getting off the bus....
"MOM! My teacher wants your recipe for spaghetti sauce!"
Clearly a good day. She loves her teachers, and evidently got cozy enough to discuss tomatos and the likes on the first day :)
Dylan seemed to enjoy his first day, he only had to go for 2 hours. Apparantly his teacher told him his nutty bar was a real cool snack....because he informed me of this 6 times. Today is his first full day, so we shall see how he handles it. He and Mother Hen Sydney have already conjured up plans to meet at the rock climbing wall at recess.
And this is what I am left with 2.5 days of the week.....
I'm looking forward to having time with these 2 :)
Very cute post Nat :)
I agree with Stacey! what a treasure it will be to read back on how you beautifully described this year's first day of school :)
nutty bars are a GREAT snack!
Cute pictures, Nat! What an exciting time for all! It will be so nice for the younger two to have you just to themselves for a few hours in the day! I'm looking forward to that with Samuel this year, as well!
By the way...I LOVE the skirt you sewed for Sydney! You are doing a great job...Adriana is a size 8-10! ;0) I'm feeling very inspired!
very cute skirt!!!! Hope the kiddos have a great year!!!
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