You think i'd just take them somewhere and pay somebody to take over this task.
Unfortunately, the combination of stubborness and thriftiness, coupled with the creative ideas that are always floating around in my head does not allow me to do this.
I think I snapped about 200. Most were deleted before they were even downloaded from my camara. And it always goes the same ......
It starts out happy, nice, and cheerful. We talk in sweet voices about this fun time we are having. After all, getting your picture taken IS exactly what you want to be doing if you're dressed up and under 8 right?
Next, bribes are made. You can see by the pictures that this avenue works for some, but not for all. We are now at 50% cooperation.
And then, like a switch, the blood pressure begins to rise and patience is thrown out the window. It is truly amazing how quickly all the sweetmess turns so ugly.
Threats are made. You see that log you are sitting on? Get used to it. You're not moving until I get a decent picture. Easy way or hard way, you choose.
We achieve a little cooperation. Mostly b/c the older kids get the tone and are sick of it, pleading w/ the younger ones to cooperate.
We get our mediocre picture that "will have to do" and about a half our later i feel the need to apoligize to everyone and tell them i love them.
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