When it began I was on bedrest. While the sun shone brightly, there wasn't much I could do, so we just stayed home.... alot......staring out at the landscape that "wasn't going to happen this year."
It seems once i got the "alls clear" the weather turned slightly fall like and Tim got really busy at work, thus foiling some of our summer plans and productivity. We still stare at the landscape that WILL HAPPEN!
We did make plenty of wonderful memories tho. Tims aunt from Calgary visted for a month, and the kids had a great time getting to know their 2nd cousins.
I think Dylan either caught a frog or found some other "treasure" every single day this summer.
We've caught ALOT of fish, gotten stung by ALOT of bees, eaten enough ice cream to add at least 1 extra lb. to Gloria, spent oodles of hours playing outside with friends, and tracked more than our fair share of sand and mud into the house.
Its been good.
Some highlights.....
Stella and gal pal Juliet "sharing" the coupe.
rainy day in the camper....
Tims brother Derek got married! After 11 years of marriage, I finally have a sister-in-law! Tim was a groomsman and Syd had the priviledge of being a flower girl! She was thrilled!
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