We bolted out of the starting blocks last fall, and in the blink of an eye made a blurry mad dash to the finish line.
It was a busy and fruitful school year.
Austin eased into middle school, and enjoyed playing football, basketball and track. He also participated on the science Olympiad team this winter, and really loved it!
Sydney and Dylan gave 3rd and 5th grade their best, and also enjoyed sports as well.
And after a tentative, nervous start to the year, Stella flourished in kindergarten!
Since i noted the first day of school about 4 posts ago, I thought it would be good to go back and highlight a few of the focal points in our year, in no particular order.
Last Day of school pic...
Stella rocked DeeDee Deer in her end of the year kindergarten program...
Bound and determined, this one set out to master the cube and succeeded...
Last day of elementary school!
How we spent our fall and spring.
This years never-ending winter will fondly be remembered as the one with 11 snow days, and also "that one year we had an ice rink before the lawn went in"
Mothers Day...
Sydney was a gunsmith for 5th grade Coloniel Days...
3rd grade field trip to Dutch Village....
Snow Day toruture....
Austin participated in the school spelling bee...
Sydney's first band concert!
A short trip to Las Vegas for the World of Concrete Convention....
Celebrating Dylan's 9th birthday with lunch
A trip out to frozen Lake Michigan.
Enjoying my days hanging out with this girl while the kids are at school...
We found a new family hobby.
Austin ran track for school!
Target practice.
110metre hurdles.
You know, grading the lawn.
Father daughter banquet at school...
Celebrating Tim's birthday...
We surprised him with a new dirt bike...
School rollerskating party...
Austin learned to ride a dirtbike...
Some days get long, and you fall asleep on the floor...
Tim poured a new driveway this spring. The kids enjoyed the sand for a bit.
Last day of kindergarten.
Spring program.
Gems and Cadets derby race.
Stella turned 6
The kids played basketball for school.
Sydney turned 10!
So we went skiing!
Easter in Chicago.
We ran the Calvin Classic together, and they all kicked my butt.
We celebrated my birthday too :)
Phew, and now moving forward. Stay tuned.