This past month has been a LONG one. We have had at least 1 sick kid for the past 6 weeks! On one particularly long week near the end of January all 5 were sick in the same week.
Remember last month when I boasted that Ellery slept through the night 3 times? Well those were the only 3 times, but we are once again on the upswing I think. Only Ellery owns the 3:00am hour now .... no leaving her to cry in order to go tend to the other cryer. LOL
During this past month Ellery has had her first ear infection, first case of thrush, and first bout of pneumonia! Her chest x-ray today confirmed all the pneumonia is now gone. Poor baby is back to just having a plugged up nose, and we pray it stays that way. I think we've permanently enlarged her nostrils with the big blue booger sucker!
She has also begun seeing a physical therapist for the muscle on the right side of her neck. The official term for it is torticollus. She is doing well with the excercises and showing a lot of improvement. See picture below.... you might mistake it for a cute pose, but it's not :)
*12lbs 6oz.
*smiling and cooing all the time. I love this age!
*still nursing but takes a bottle of soy in the evening.
*starting to get better about taking naps for longer than 20 minutes. Goes down around 10pm, gets up 1 time, we fall asleep together on the recliner, wakes up again around 5 , and I usually get her back down again before I get the kids up for school....a tricky time of day because I never know where to put her! LOL . She often cries a bit while falling asleep, and Dylan has snuck into our bed and is back sleeping again by this point, so I dont' want to wake him.
*Sydney can get her to laugh. She's laughed for me 1 time....while sitting in her swing watching me hula hoop on the wii... ha ha.
*She loves the kids, and they adore her! When she is laying on the ground we are supposed to stimulate her on the right side, because it forces her to straigten her neck. The kids love to lay on the ground and talk to her and shake toys in her face... especially since they know it is helping her.
*She enjoys sitting in her swing, laying in her cradle and looking at her mobile, standing up in your lap talking to you, and being carted around by the kids :)
*She is happy! When she is not in pain or fighting sleep, she is so happy! She will sit and smile and coo and talk to you. It is so cute! We love you Els!