Isn't this picture absolutely perfect! This child may never see a very thorough baby book, but the amount of sweet ultra sound pictures alone should more than make up for that!
A quick update...I had another ultra sound earlier this week. It showed my hemotoma is completely gone....in fact the tech said she saw absolutely no trace of it! Perhaps 20 miles on the bike
was just what the dr. ordered after all :)
Miss G. is measuring in at 30.5 weeks, and everything looked absolutely perfect. I was a bit concerned b/c the water around the baby was low on my last ultrasound, but all that drinking paid off as well! I will still need to go in for stress tests in a few weeks just to make sure everything stays on track, since she had such a rocky start.
That is all. I leave you with Laura Branigan and her music. Boy or girl.....this song will forever make me smile :)
okay, so i don't know how to actually upload the video, so you will have to click the link.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tVutw8rjFk