Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our week.

It was one of those weeks.
I didn't realize until the weekend before, that the kids had off school Monday.
Add in 3 more snow days, and I could use a break from the noise, entertaining and "stop it's".
Don't get me wrong, I love a good snow day.
I just like them spread out a little more :)

A few pics from the last week or so....

The kids went sledding alot.
Their rigged 4 man sled worked pretty well....

We went through an amplitude of hot chocolate.

The first day they went back to school, on my mission to restore order, I picked up 37 paper airplanes, flown into various crevices of our main floor.

I finally made a decision on carpet, and am now off the hook for making carpet sample forts 5 times a day.

Austin finished up his 5th grade basketball career.
It took him a few weeks to wrap his head around this sport and to really get into it, but by his last game he was loving it!

Inspired by her Oma, Sydney busied herself painting portraits during her time at home....

Naturally they were only for purchase.
Good thing I had a coupon tho,  I  was able to snag the picture above for free!

This kid has been tormenting me all week with his dollar store snakes and rats.
A snake on my steering wheel, on my pillow, on my lap when I awoke on the couch Sunday afternoon, in my toothbrush holder, a rat in my his father, this boy gets his kicks listening to me screetch!

I'm making slow and steay progress on "The List"....
Since it was so cold outside, it seemed like a good time to defrost the freezer, and throw the food in bins on the deck for a few days....

Turns out, each shelf isn't supposed to have a a 3 inch snow/ice drift on it!
It's so great now!

Inching my way closer to getting in shape....

Cleaned out all my kitchen drawers and pantry, and spent way too much time playing with contact paper and my label maker...

I had to take a pic in case they go to pot.
If for one brief moment in time, they looked great.

The snow managed to hold off so the kids could make it to school on wacky hair day...phew!

Now that the carpet is ordered, I've dropped that craze, and am now equally obsessed with picking out paint color. Ridiculously,  time sucking, internet scouring, back and forth to the store for samples, sit and stare at my walls with a cup of coffee during all lighting scenarios, obsessed.

To the point that I could probably write a whole blog post on the color "greige", and could tell you the store brand and name of the color just by looking at the front of a chip.  I'm thinking of making a game out of them :)

We've got high ceilings, for once I'm trying to get it right the first time :)

Naturally, Sydney cut out and sewed some garland from my discarded chips...

 And I can't get this little girl to stay out of my freezer....
Happy Wednesday all~

Friday, January 18, 2013

Around here.

I typically wait until I have a story to tell, a milestone to share, a cute picture to display before I update this blog.
Sometimes I've got nothing to say, and other times I've got a great story to tell, but no time to sit down and write my thoughts out. I hate when that happens because I love some good word play.
As the kids get older and busier, the memory that I have always prided myself in is lapsing.
I thought I would always remember specific details. 
And while I still have a lot tucked away, too much is falling between the cracks now.
I decided I just need to update on our ordinary happenings, everyday life, so that I have it in the books, and can look back on it fondly.
So that's what I'm going to do :)
As much as it pulls at my heart strings that everyone is getting older, it sure is nice to send ALL the kids out the door to play in the snow...even if it takes the little 2 longer to get ready than they actually play.  They have to earn their hot chocolate a little.

I just may have to have a turn yet :)

My pony days are almost through.
That I am not sad about :)
We have found our new favorite game in "Ticket to Ride"
Perhaps there are a few too many competitive people around 1 table :)
Success.  Another banded goose from Canada.
Austin's first band concert, and debut on the tuba!
(I never get to see the thing, because he "practices" on his baritone at home)
They did really well!
Not squeaky and out of tune like I envisioned.  It was truly delightful!
 Another project checked off my list, and going strong!
Now that is one clean, empty fridge :)
Working my way around into the living room.
I had to take a picture of my wall of photos, in case I want to recreate it.
I am currently working on filling nail holes, picking out paint, entertaining these gals, and trying to figure out which of these looks best....
Gah!! I hate big decisions like carpet and couches.
I always screw up.
More pics soon...
Happy Friday all~

Friday, January 11, 2013


The tree is has been thrown out the door and chucked over the side of the deck, awaiting its demise when we officially welcome spring in a few months.

The last shards of pine needles now lingering around in my vacuum, giving us subtle hints of sweet memories.

The kids are officially back to school, accepting their fate and getting back into the swing of things like champs.

There are no "extra" holiday committments/tasks sneaking onto our calendar, comsuming
more mental space than should be allowed.  Just the usual mental :).

It's January 11, and I'm finally ready to welcome 2013 properly.
And yes, I've accepted that my pace is ok.

In reflection, 2012 was a great year, chock full of blessings, and plenty to be thankful for.
We were priviledged to celebrate another birthday will all of our kids, and each other.  Our family and extended family experienced good health, and my sister welcomed her twins into this world!

Tim and I celebrated 14 years of marriage, and worked at our committment in a whole new way, as he was out of town for work a good portion of the year. It turns out talking on the phone long distance just isn't as fun as it was back in our college days :)

Did I mention that Tim was blessed with steady work? I finished my first year long daily devotional book in it's entirety, without finding something wrong with it and tossing it.  And I was truly blessed. I ran my first 5k with family, and then another with my best friends, we camped, hiked in the mountains, enjoyed alot of sports, and made many memories together as a family.
We are truly blessed with amazing friends, family, and church to say the least!

A pic from New Years Eve with dear friends...

Looking forward to 2013, a few goals to put on paper...again... :)

I really struggle with maintaining this.
I am easily distracted, and pulled in too many directions (who isn't?)  I begin a project gusto, but get overwhelmed because one project usually leads into the next, into the next....and I try to tackle too many things at once, which leaves me feeling defeated... because I'm not really accomplishing anything completely.  Or I will see something that needs to be done, but put it off because I rationalize that I will not be home long enough to take care of it properly.

SO...I made a list of very specific areas that need to be gone thru/purged/cleaned etc.. Small tasks to focus on, and check off one area at a time.  I feel like the last several years I have been in a "I'm just trying to keep up, the kids all need me, survival mode"...and needless to say real organization has taken a backseat.

And so far so good!
I started with my desk.  I emptied the whole thing out, purged, organized, filed, and fired up my label maker.

This was by far my favorite find...

I may just hold onto it, as I'm sure it will be valuable one of these years :)
I'm also working on updating the decor.   I'll post a pic when finished!

* Read through the Bible
I've made several attempts at this.  Can't quit trying tho, right?
I thought I'd try a new approach and use this Bible.

Eleven days in, I'm on track, and I really like the way it is layed out. So far, each day has a passage from the Old Testament,  New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.  And I am thoroughly blessed.  So many of the little details from stories that I've either missed along the way or forgotten are amazing me all over again!
Ordered up this one to go through with the kids ...

And we're lovin' it. A good Bible that is a fit for all of their ages.

*Improve my prayer life.
I've been working at this...oh to start out EVERY day with prayer, and keep the dialogue going all day long would be such a blessing....and keep me focused on how blessed I am!

* Be more intentional with the kids.
I so badly want to be more purposeful in every word I speak to them, every moment I spend with them, in all the teachable moments.  To watch my tone, to not react out of emotion.  To take to heart all of their questions/stories and give them the undevided attention that they so deserve. Spend time alone wtih each of them. Close my computer and play Candy Land, and read the "Dorla" book again...even when I don't want to. Don't automatically say "no", just because the thought puts me out a little.  Treat them like the valuable, precious, unique little people they are, even when it's 7:30 pm on a Thursday night, I'm at my witts end,  the house is a mess, and all 5 are pulling me in different directions, and talking over each other. Especially then.

*Get back on the coupon wagon.
So far so good.
I've greatly simplified my clipping method, which has cut down on the prep time tremendously, and am only going to target specific deals that we will really toiletries and what-not.

*Eat healthy/meal plan/ run
So far I'm 3 runs in and going strong.
As for health, we have finally finished the Christmas chocolate, and are working our way back to better choices again!  I really need to sit down and actually write out a meal plan, and plan groceries accordingly,  rather than pull out a bag of frozen chicken at 4:00pm and try to figure out what to do with it. Meal planning is a goal!

*Give my best, but accept that I can't do it all.
Thanks to the online world we live in, I am constantly reading blogs on a variety of topics, by some pretty amazing people, who "appear" to be able to do it all, write amazingly, blog consistently, craft, sew, bake, organize, decorate, volunteer, have perfect happy kids, and a clean house ta name it.  I get sucked in, and wonder what is wrong with me that I don't have it all together.  There are so many ideas/interests/goals/passions that roll through my head of what I would love to write about, make, do, etc. that it can be overwhelming to sort it out, and not feel defeated when I don't do any of them. But I will eventually :)

Happy "New" Year all~

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a great Christmas!
We kept ourselves busy between programs, parties for the kids, family and friends!
A few pics...
Sydney and Emma as"townspeople" in our church program.
Kareoke with small group! Always a good time.

school parties
Christmas in Chicago
Enjoying my "new" old bowls :)
Annual sister picture.
A captivated audience cheering her on, eagerly awaiting their turn!
Doug and Kimmy, Rowan and Norah.
Thats what you get from a family of non- hunters.

 Mom enjoying her new kindle fire, already hard at work sending us words from the luxury of her couch :)
The ladies in the family
Getting ready to open presents at our house Christmas Eve!
They all got a little something off their list.
I made pajama pants for all!
Christmas morning.
Stocking time.
Ready for church!
My girls.
Christmas with Tim's side.

Happy Wednesday all~
More posts coming soon.....promise :)